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Dry alcohol stillage

DSTU 4478: 2005

Послеспиртовая сухая барда

Barda dry, grain stillage, alcohol stillage, dry alcohol stillage, post-alcohol stillage, bard post-alcohol dry, fodder enrichment dry, DDGS 

It is used in the diets of all types of animals (cattle), poultry and fish, has many micro additives and does not contain harmful substances, impurities.
This product contains:
- Easily digestible protein / protein (protein share 32% -35%).
- Rich amino acid composition (tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine).
- High content of vitamins (nicotinic and folic acids, biotin, choline and provitamin D2 - ergosterol), macro and microelements, phosphorus, carbohydrates.
According to the content of protein, amino acids, macro and microelements, which play an important role in metabolism and animal growth processes, dry distillery stillage is ahead of most feed products.
The product makes it possible to reduce the cost of feed and achieve savings during feeding.

Indicators Analysis results
Appearance Loose product
Colour Yellow
Smell Bread and yeast, typical grain raw materials
Moisture content, % 10,90
Crude protein content (in absolutely dry matter),% 34,2
Mass fraction of ash, (in absolutely dry matter),% 2,8
Mass fraction of white fat (in absolutely dry speech),% 6,4
Mass fraction of crude fiber, (in absolutely dry matter),% 9,85
Metallomagnetic impurity: particles up to 2 mm in size in 1 kg of meal, mg, no more 2,5
Toxicity Non-toxic

Carbohydrate content

Sample name Starch, % Sugar, % Hemicellulose,% Cellulose,% Lignin,%
Distillery stillage dry 2,86 4,06 4,97 6,60 2,77

Content of biogenic macro-and microelements

  Calcium, g / kg Phosphorus, g / kg Magnesium, g / kg Iron, mg / kg Zinc, mg / kg Manganese, mg / kg Copper, mg / kg
Distillery stillage dry 0,60 3,3 0,29 1003,06 33,04 18,91 14,70

Comparative composition of distillery stillage dryй

Indicators Enrichment Wheat Rye Corn
Metabolic energy, kcal 2690 2950 2820 3300
Feed units 0,8-1,0 1,2 1,12 1,31
Protein,% 28-32 11 11 9
Fat,% 6-8 1,7 1,7 4
Ash,% 4-8,5 1,6 1,7 1,3
Fiber,% 9,2 2,7 2,4 2.2
Lysine,% 0,8-0,9 0,34 0,4 0,26

Protein amino acid composition

Amino acid Distillery stillage dry
% in dry matter % in protein
Lysine 0,85 2,75
Leucine 6,53 21,28
Valine 2,03 6,61
Threonine + serine 2,95 9,54
Phenylalanine 2,88 9,32
Isoleucine 1,17 3,78
Glycine 1,32 4,27
Tyrosine 2,42 7,83
Methionine 0,65 2,10
Alanin 2,57 8,31
Aspartic acid 3,12 10,09
Glutamic acid 6,45 20,88
Protein 28-32 -

Nutritional value of 1 kg of stillage distillery dry

View Natural Absolutely dry
Feed units Digestible protein, g ОЕ, Mj Feed units Digestible protein, g ОЕ, Mj
КРС 0,88 204 9,91 0,98 227 11,04
Pigs 0,64 202 8,44 0,71 224 9,36
Bird 0,69 144 8,83 0,76 159 9,79

Recommended rates of introduction of distillery stillage dry to feed КРС in% to dry mass of feed

Cash cows over 30%
Youngsters up to 6 months of age up to 20%
Youngsters over 6 months of age up to 25%
High performance dairy cows up to 40%
КРС fattening up to 35%
Dry period and heifers in the last third of pregnancy up to 30%

Recommended rates of introduction of distillery stillage dry to feed PIGS in % to dry mass of feed

Replacement young growth up to 25%
Fattening pigs up to 20%
Pregnant and single uterus up to 40%
Uterus substitution up to 20%

Recommended rates of introduction of distillery stillage dry to feed BIRDS in % to dry mass of feed

Turkey poults up to 120 days up to 4%
Turkeys up to 8%
Broilers up to 60 days up to 4%
Replacement young growth up to 5%
Laying hens until 6%
Chickens of meat breeds up to 8%
Pullets up to 5%

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