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Installation of Technological Cycle for Releasing a Range of New Commercia

January 24, 2022 / 17:00

It is suggested to use distillery dregs obtained from the additional DRU for production of a range of feed products, and to use rectification waste which is lutter water as process water after being treated additionally.

All mentioned above allows:

  • complete using of heat energy of process waste;
  • reducing fresh tap water intake for process needs;
  • eliminating continuous disposal of highly contaminated water into sewage facility;
  • enlarging product range by means of readily available feed products

Balance scheme of implementation and economic indicators of the measure are both given in Appendices. Investment volume of measure implementation has been calculated based on the Contractor’s experience considering analogous projects.

The whole equipment of the process cycle can be placed in the existing facilities of the Customer.

It is worth noticing that implementation of the mentioned measure requires developing, approving as well as confirming design and estimate and project design documentation.

Experience in operation of similar technological cycles proves their high efficiency.

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