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Modification du schéma de mélange des masses dans les fermenteurs

19 janvier 2021 / 14:50

The current mixing scheme employed at the plant, which involves circulating the mass using a recirculation pump from the bottom of the fermentation vessels and feeding the mass back to the BOTTOM, is highly ineffective.

It is proposed to reroute the delivery pipe from the recirculation pumps to the top of the vessel and organize a TANGENTIAL input of the circulating mass into it. The implementation of this measure will intensify the mass mixing processes by adding GRAVITATIONAL mixing – the colder mass from the fermentation vessel refrigerator will be fed into the upper zone of the vessel and will descend to the bottom of the vessel due to its higher density. Such "vertical" mixing will improve the release and removal of fermentation gases from the vessels.

The plan includes changing the circulation schemes in all ten fermentation vessels. The conceptual implementation scheme for this measure is shown in Figure 7.1.2. The implementation of the measure should follow the developed project documentation.

Change in mass mixing scheme in fermentation vessels
