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Utilisation d'un antiseptique

19 janvier 2021 / 15:07

Considering the comprehensive set of measures proposed above, it seems reasonable for the Executor to discontinue the current practice of periodic thermal disinfection of equipment and communication systems in the raw material fermentation cycle (Fermentation №2) using steam at a temperature of 150…170°C.

To combat the contamination of mash, a scheme for CONTINUOUS dosing of the antiseptic "FRICON" into the mash is proposed; the suggested dosage is 1 g of antiseptic per 1 m³ of mash.

For the implementation of this measure, the development of project and engineering documentation for an AUTOMATIC dosing system for the antiseptic is required. The cost of equipment and installation for such a system is based on analogous projects.

The operation of this measure will necessitate operational investments for purchasing the antiseptic. The economic benefit of implementing this measure will manifest in the reduction of steam consumption for technological needs.
