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Новости и события

January 24, 2022 / 16:43
Use of Antiseptics
Taking into account the package of above suggested measures, it seems to be reasonable to the...
January 24, 2022 / 16:42
Reconstruction of the System of Fermentation Gases Disposal from Fermenters
While performing the 1st stage of the energy and technology audit, from the viewpoint of...
January 24, 2022 / 16:40
Changing of the Scheme of Process Yeast Adding into Fermenters
The scheme of adding dry compressed process yeasts (as dry matter, directly from the cooler)...
January 24, 2022 / 16:38
Changing of Mass Mixing Scheme in Fermenters
Operated scheme for mixing mass in fermenters featuring mass intake by circulating pump from the...
January 24, 2022 / 12:59
Changing of HDFT Units Operating Scheme
1. In order to prevent wort infection at the stage of cooking, it is needed to exclude the 3rd...
January 24, 2022 / 12:54
Changing of Enzymes Adding Scheme
The offer refers to changing of enzyme adding scheme. In comparison with the scheme being...
January 24, 2022 / 12:52
Revamping of the Unit of Mash Heating (B-104 tank)
The heating of mash in mash mixer is suggested to be carried out by HEATING WATER, which goes to...
January 24, 2022 / 12:48
Restoring of Grinding Plates
Quality of grinded grain is one of the critical parameters of grinders, which allows decreasing...
January 24, 2022 / 12:44
Revamping of the Unit of Mixing Flour and Water during Mash Preparation
During examination process of existing technological cycle, there have been big fluctuations of...
January 24, 2022 / 12:39
The above mentioned results of enterprise investigation as well as of analyses of quality...